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“Evergreen”, canción extraída del nuevo álbum de Brunetto “Sheroine” (Irregular, 2014) que cuenta con la colaboración vocal de I AM DIVE.

Dirección: Pablo Ruiz Sánchez / www.pabloruizsanchez.com

El realizador Pablo Ruiz Sánchez ha querido plasmar en su vídeo el lado más natural y sensorial de una canción cargada de fuerza y emotividad. Contrastes que quedan patentes en la lucha de personalidades de la protagonista (Ely Sanz). La inocencia contra lo siniestro.

Aunque parezca filmado en la mismísima campiña irlandesa el lugar mágico donde trascurre el clip es la Sierra Norte sevillana. Un puzle de paisajes, luces, sombras, rocas, cuevas, pequeñas cascadas, naturaleza… y verde, mucho verde, siempre verde.

Para la ocasión el tema original ha sido editado y cuenta con nuevos arreglos orquestales a mitad de la pieza.

“Evergreen” it is one of those tracks where the artist isn’t afraid to share his story. Putting to good work broken beats inherited from British labels like Skint, and artists like the Dust Brothers, “Evergreen” ends up as an ethereal but dark cousin to the music of Boards of Canada, NIN and early Death in Vegas. The vocals feature a severity and sonority comparable to Thom Yorke and his Atoms for Peace project.

The filmmaker, Pablo Ruiz Sánchez, wanted to capture the most of the natural side of the song, full of strength and emotion. Evident contrasts in the struggle of personalities of the protagonist beautifully displayed by Ely Sanz. Light and dark. From innocence to sinister.

The video is shot in Spain and although it seems like a very Irish countryside where the magic of the clip happens, it is the Sierra Norte of Seville (always hot South of Spain). A puzzle of landscapes, lights, shadows, rocks, caves, small waterfalls, nature … and green, very green, evergreen.

For the occasion the original song has been edited and rearranged featuring new orchestral arrangements in the middle of the piece.

Full album “Sheroine”.